
My blogs

About me

Introduction I have a bachelor's degree in economics and international politics from Brigham Young University. While at BYU, I served as president of the BYU College Democrats. I also have a master's degree in international relations from the University of Oklahoma. I am an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, having served a 2-year full time mission in the Philippines. I have subsequently served in a variety of callings in my local wards. I am happily married with two young children. I started this blog with the aim of exploring many of the political misconceptions that exist within LDS culture, which I encountered as a progressive undergraduate student at BYU. Many Mormons do not understand progressives and Democrats in part because they only receive information about political issues from conservative sources like talk radio. Many also believe that affiliation with the Democratic party is incongruent with Church membership, despite repeated statements from general authorities to the contrary. With this blog, I hope to lay to rest some of those misconceptions.