Trisha & Robert Wright

About me

Introduction We met when I was gardener at the Mesa Temple, and Robert came with an institute group on April 24th, 2004 to do service. Although I was sarcastically shouting out orders on how to plant flowers correctly, wearing a giant chinese hat and dressed like a man, Robert was hooked. It took me a while to warm up to him, but we were married a year later on May 13th, 2005. Robert graduated from ASU with a Vocal Performance Degree, and was one class away from minoring in Bio chem! He will be off to Dental School in the coming future. In the meantime, he teaches music lessons, drives a delivery truck, and sings in a Grammy Winning Choir the "Phoenix Chorale". I have taught music lessons for over 6 years now, and have goofed on and off with being a music major, but finally finished my Choral Ed degree through Ottawa University in Fall 2009. I guess we'll see how this all turns out.