Alex Gutteridge

About me

Introduction Hello, Thank you for dropping by. Words are in my genes. I grew up with a father who loved reading and doing cryptic crosswords and reading to me for which I am very grateful. I have had twelve books published, several of them taken from the slush pile. My books have been nominated for and won awards, turned into audio books and broadcast on the radio. My writing life has been full of ups and downs, but I love it still and can’t imagine a time when I stop writing. I have three grown up children and live with my husband, rescue cat and cocker spaniel in a small village in the middle of England. My blog is about a life where writing plays an important part. It is about inspiration and motivation, the constant need to find balance so that my creativity will thrive. Cake is often involved so there will be the occasional recipe. My garden plays a large part too as does the English countryside which I love so much. And, of course, the books I enjoy reading. You can’t be a writer without being a reader! I very much hope that you enjoy joining me on my writing journey.