
My blogs

About me

Introduction Hello, my name is Rachel. I am 22 years old, and am in a transitional period of my life at the moment. I’m not completely sure why I am writing this blog, partly to vent and feel like I am sharing my treasured stories about the adorable kids in my life, but also to share what God is doing through me, in this wonky period of life. I am currently working as a nanny, while saving up money to go back to school. I love my job, working with kids is rewarding and challenging and such a blessing to my life. When I go back to school I will study to receive a bachelor in psychology. I don’t have a certain dream career I am aiming for, but feel called to be a missionary. I’m not sure if that will be overseas, or with a local church, or working for a nonprofit, but I think psychology will be the best vehicle to get me wherever God has planned for me to be. Thank you for reading :)