Kristen and Nathan

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About me

Location Rexburg, ID, United States
Introduction Hey there, Nathan and I are currently living in Rexburg Idaho while Nathan attends BYU-Idaho. He has about 4 semesters left before he receives his bachelors in Mechanical Engineering. Nathan says he would maybe want to be a nuclear engineer which would probably require grad school. Kristen graduated in April in Recreation Leadership and is currently a full time mom to Zoie 23 months and Isaac 4 months. She is also teaching herself how to wood carve and is currently working on a Nativity set, and is signed up for a watercolor class that is due to start in February. Zoie is quickly mastering her words and is even speaking in sentences saying things like "mommy chair" Daddy shirt" "thank you" and "want dinner" She is growing and learning so fast and is signed up for a Toddler Lab at the collage this semester. Isaac is also growing and will soon be as big as his 20 month old cousin Omni. He has mastered the front to back roll and likes to blow bubbles and babble, and he has effectively rubbed all the hair off of the back of his nicely rounded head. Right now the whole family is feet deep in snow and looking forward to when we can go out and play again.