
About me

Gender Female
Introduction A garrulous mute. Sometimes dreamy and contemplative, always inquisitive and sarcastic. Smirks a lot. Enjoys most cocktails. Loathes pontification, sycophantism and televangelism. A devout agnostic. Fond of wordplay. Subsists on pizza, Batman graphic novels and a decidedly eclectic music collection. Lives in jeans and sneakers. Prone to random bouts of squealing when confronted with anything cute and fluffy. Sleeps a lot, yet somehow never manages to look completely awake. Thinks self-absorption is underrated and that long walks on the beach are overrated. Doesn't read too much, nope, not at all. And, curiously enough, loathes referring to herself in the third person. Any questions?

Oscillate my metallic sonatas with your plan for the Panama canal:

Oh, I just want to define your infinite cosmic boundaries, baby.