Michelle Earnest

My blogs

About me

Introduction Ben's Likes: Flavor blasted goldfish, baseball, Pepsi One, golf, Bronco Country, TV, running, and ships. Ben's Dislikes: pickles, bananas, cold weather, and the Yankees. Michelle's Likes: my shows, New York City, snugglin with my little family, shopping online, coupons!!, naps, DVR, HOT showers, the beach, pepsi, and snow cones. Michelle's dislikes: idiot drivers, DC, cold weather, humidity, people who talk without thinking first, Bush. Kennedy's Likes: pacifiers, formula, bjorn, sitting up by herself, putting everything in her mouth, naps, baths, Mommy, Daddy, and meerkats. Kennedy's dislikes: diaper rash, teething, shots, not getting attention.