David Sketchley

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About me

Gender Male
Industry Education
Location Conil de la Frontera, Andalucía, Spain
Introduction Briton 'exiled' in Spain
Favorite Books Manufacturing Consent - Edward S. Herman & Noam Chomsky, Hegemony or Survival - Noam Chomsky, Guardians of Power - David Edwards & David Cromwell, Web of Deceipt - Mark Curtis, Unpeople - Mark Curtis, The War On Truth: 9/11, Disinformation And The Anatomy Of Terrorism - Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed, Secrets & Lies - Dilip Hiro, Lawless World - Philippe Sands, Torture Team - Philippe Sands, The New Rulers of the World - John Pilger, Violent Politics - William R. Polk, Orientalism - Edward Said, Failed States - Noam Chomsky, Whiteout: The CIA, Drugs and the Press - Alexander Cockburn & Jeffrey St. Clair; Las Venas Abiertas de Latino America - Eduardo Galeano