
My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Industry Fashion
Occupation Style Misfit
Location In The Sage, People's Republic of Socialist Mexifornia, Afghanistan
Introduction “One time a cop pulled me over for running a stop sign. He said, 'Didn't you see the stop sign?' I said, 'Yeah, but I don't believe everything I read'” Steven Wright
Interests My family, hiking, backpacking, motos, guns, trees, exploring new roads (dirt and paved), middle America, good bear, fine bourbon, 4x4's, fossil fuel consumption, blowin' stuff up, redneckin', creating a nuisance, speaking out of turn, talk radio, The Office, and fusing metal with a hot torch.
Favorite Movies Raising Arizona, Band of Brothers, Faster, Dust to Glory, On Any Sunday, Fargo, Moonstruck, Open Range, Oh Brother Where art Thou?, Secondhand Lions, Young Frankenstein, Office Space, ELF, Christmas Story, Better Off Dead, Princess Bride, Private Ryan, We Were Soldiers, Blackhawk Down, Sliding Doors, PIE, Memento, Red Dawn, Luther, The Count of Monte Cristo, The Patriot, Gods and Generals, Gettysburg, Magnificent Seven, Young Guns, all of Don's films, Desperado, Once Upon a Time in Mexico, Hot Fuzz, The Holy Grail, Airplane, Grind, The Lords of Dogtown
Favorite Music Bluegrass, and some other stuff
Favorite Books Pillars of the Earth, The Guide, The Long Dark Teatime of the Soul, Red Storm Rising, Mice and Men, Revelations, The Long Walk, The Dangerous Book for Boys, Without Remorse, Redwood Delta, Animal Farm.