My blogs

About me

Introduction Yes, I know that I am not exactly first in line to join the "blogosphere." As we speak some nerd at MIT or Stanford is sitting in his dorm room hunched over one of his 200 computers creating whatever medium is next in the line of progression. But I'm okay with that. As am I okay with the fact that my Google account lists me as a 42 year old female accountant from Afghanistan. I am accepting because this blog will be about me wallowing in my all too real narcisistic, self reverential, insecurity laden slop. Beyond that, and on a much smaller level, it will also be about the notion that even an average cubicle jockey in the suburbs can still have adventures from time to time that will make you laugh, cringe, gasp, or just pray to God that I never procreate. (Based on past history you can rest easy). Bradley Maze 10/19/07