舞者 Dancing One

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About me

Gender Female
Introduction 既然又走到人生路上的三叉口, 不如就努力迎上前去吧! 紐西蘭, 英國, 法國,中國, 美國或香港都沒有什麼不同, 只要找到自己的定位和生活的空間! 昨夜星晨昨夜風, 畫樓西畔掛堂東, 身無彩鳳雙飛翼, 心有靈犀一點通。 燕子飛翔, 總能找到她能停息的地方。 Now, it is another starting point of my life.Wherever in New Zealand, London, Paris, Mainland China, Houston or Hong Kong, I can find my living circle. Last night's star, last night's wind, Drawing house at the west, dinning room at the East, (The Western painting handed on the wall of Eastern Dining Room) Without the wings of beautiful bird, our hearts can be touch and reach. The little swallow has found the place she can rest and be sheltered. Stop searching, happiness is coming.
Interests 畫畫, 寫字, 作文, 看書, 看畫, 看山水
Favorite Movies 滾滾紅塵, 奪寶奇兵之金骷髏
Favorite Music 愛上女主播
Favorite Books 楊絳的走在人生邊沿上