Ms fabulous-and-otherwise M

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Introduction I am woman; hear me virtual roar! I like piña coladas although I prefer G&T’s, and if I had a choice, I would stay inside rather than do the tango in the rain. Unless of course my partner was Antonio Banderas then the wetter the better! What I want in life is pretty much what everyone wants I suppose; to be happy and fulfilled, and at the moment I’m halfway to neither. So instead of therapy I’m blogging! Fingers crossed it works!
Interests Men over boys, life over work, and frequent stops for chocolate.
Favorite Movies Anything that makes me laugh or cry, and especially the ones that do both.
Favorite Music As long as it has ‘soul’ then it’s my song.
Favorite Books Marian Keyes, Kinky Friedman, J.D. Salinger and of course Kurt Vonnegut.