
About me

Gender Female
Industry Education
Occupation grad student / cw prof
Location Boulder, Colorado, United States
Introduction I'm a third-year MFA student who doesn't write consistently enough and who is terrified of graduating. I'm from the South and have become a Southerner only since I left. I've spent too much time abroad and no time at all in my own backyard. I'm a lady. I adore paradox, Prada and Paris. I speak French and Spanish inadequately and pretend I know a bit of Portuguese. I eat with my knife and fork. I wish I could cook for myself, spent more time with my guitar, wasn't irretrievably capricious. I have an intensely sensitive cocker spaniel named Finnegan. I have a thing for ferryboats. After all these years and all these pages, I still haven't found a writer whom I love more than Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
Interests Cooking, having people compliment my cooking, avoiding homework with NYTimes.com, writing postcards, cleaning my apartment, reading for hours at a stretch, telling people I'm going to run a marathon or join the Peace Corps, daydreaming that I'll actually do either of those things, queer theory, speaking French, living in a country that supports the concept of cultural studies, trouv-ing new music in other people's iTunes, Michel Foucault, drinking black coffee and red wine, crossword puzzles, leaving America, missing America, coming back to America, calling America "the States, " reading postmodern literary theory, cocktail hour, intending to meditate, the idea of Patagonia, knowing obscure points of English grammar, watching channel 63 so I can hear the news from Moldova, worrying too much about things I'm not sure I can change, walking alone and far afield when I don't know what to do.
Favorite Movies M*A*S*H, Monty Python's Meaning of Life (and all the rest of them), The Godfather, Pulp Fiction, The Hours, Rear Window, The Shining, Fight Club, Amadeus, Hilary and Jackie, HELP!, Babette's Feast, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, The Princess Bride, Amores Perros, All the President's Men, Napoleon Dynamite, The Madness of King George, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, all those French New Wave films I lie about having seen, Dazed and Confused, Cinderella, Best in Show, about six versions of A Christmas Carol, Stage Door, Anchorman, and, to end on an intelligent note, Gandhi. I also love Grey's Anatomy, Saturday Night Live, British sitcoms (especially from the 70s), and I have a mild-yet-harmless obsession with FRIENDS. I waited six months while I was abroad to see Deepa Mehta's Water, finally got it on Netflix yesterday, and found it (astonishingly) as incredible as I'd wished.
Favorite Music Bob Dylan, John Lennon, Phish, Carole King, Neko Case, the Shins, Ani, Jimi Hendrix, Bela Fleck, the White Stripes, Yonder Mountain String Band, the Gipsy Kings, Joni Mitchell, the Decemberists, Ben Harper, Sleater-Kinney, Belle and Sebastian, Wilco, the Indigo Girls, the Beatles, Ryan Adams, Amos Lee, Tegan and Sara, Buena Vista Social Club, Cowboy Junkies, David Gray, Lucinda Williams, the Killers, Counting Crows, Alison Krauss, John Coltrane, Keane, Orishas, Iron and Wine, the Dixie Chicks, JJ Cale, Martin Sexton, Dolly Parton, Manu Chao, Charles Mingus, Miles Davis, Imogen Heap, Bob Marley, Lisa Loeb, Nickel Creek, the Grateful Dead, Norah Jones, James Taylor, Modest Mouse, the Sea and Cake, Tracy Chapman, the Byrds, Youssou N'Dour, Built to Spill, Madeleine Peyroux, Sun Kil Moon, Willie Nelson, Melissa Ferrick, Buddy Holly, Yo La Tengo, the Gourds, Johnny Cash, U2, Joao Gilberto, Badly Drawn Boy, Emmylou Harris, hilarious Spanish pop, New Pornographers, Bonnie Raitt, Death Cab for Cutie, Arlo Guthrie, Postal Service, Sigur Ros, Alabama, Brazilian Girls. And so forth.
Favorite Books One Hundred Years of Solitude, The American Woman in the Chinese Hat, The Archaeology of Knowledge and the Discourse on Language, everything by Dylan Thomas, Virginia Woolf, Dorothy Allison, Absalom! Absalom!, The Member of the Wedding, Emma, Octavio Paz and Pablo Neruda, The Dream of a Common Language, most of Italo Calvino, Saussure-Barthes-Derrida-Baudrillard-and-so-on, W.H. Auden, The Palm at the End of the Mind, The Sunlight Dialogues, Dorothy Parker, Nightwood, Middlemarch, Ulysses, Fran Liebowitz, Ed White, Audre Lorde, A Movable Feast, The Universal Baseball Association, The Holder of the World, Calvin and Hobbes, David Copperfield, The Magic Toyshop, Eduardo Galeano, Mafalda, The Singular Pilgrim, Paulo Coelho, Lillian Faderman, Isabel Allende, Kathy Acker, and ... lots of other people.