Jean Etsinger

About me

Occupation journalist
Location Sarasota, FL
Introduction While my profession is dying, my faith in what led me to journalism remains strong – a belief that people must have access to information that is accurate, fair and in context in order to make informed decisions about the things that affect their lives. This applies as much to our belief systems and to our institutionalized religion as to any other aspect of life. I volunteered at the last three Churchwide Assemblies (in Orlando, Chicago and Minneapolis) and was a voting member and blogger at the last two FB Synod Assemblies. All were awesomely rewarding experiences – starting with the amazing array of worship settings with marvelous music that seem to be available at no other time or place. But –- praise the Lord! -– we are moving forward. We are letting God be! The start of the second decade of the 21st century, with emphasis on justice for all of God’s people and environmental stewardship of God’s world, is an exciting time for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America … for the Florida-Bahamas Synod … for your congregation, and yours, and yours, and yours. God’s Work, Our Hands. And, as a wordsmith I joyfully acknowledge, Beyond Words!