
My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Gender Male
Industry Technology
Occupation Ninja
Introduction I'm a proud father,loving husband, halfway decent son, and an arrogant bastard. I like to make things from scratch that solve problems or prevent problems that need to be solved.
Interests Firearms Design and construction, Medicine (especially research into cures for "incurable" infectious diseases like HIV, staph, etc), Computer programming (I like procedural graphics and data mining), Graphic arts- I do some (highly offensive) paintings and sketches when the fancy takes me. things like transvestite Muhammeds and toking Buddhas, or six-armed suicide-bomber hindu Jesus.
Favorite Movies The Prestige, Fight Club, League of Extroardinary Gentlemen, The Matrix, Star Wars (the old ones).
Favorite Music Queen, Queens of the Stone Age, Raffi, Wolfmother, Nirvana, Pendulum, Rob Zombie, Bach, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Handel, Chopin, Baroque (especially hungarian, romanian and romani) music, sounds from nature, silence
Favorite Books Terry Pratchett, The Bible (archaeological comedy somehow remains on the best-selling list), Simulacra and Simulation, Huckleberry Finn, The Giver, Ender's Game, Founders at Work, Selling the Dream, Growing a Business, How to Make Friends and Influence People, The Prince, WAY TOO MANY TO LIST HERE!

Don't you have any hobbies besides seeing what clever questions other people might have put on their blogs?