Happy Crony

My blogs

About me

Location NY Metro area, United States
Introduction I don't know about you, but I care about my health. I only have one body, one life, and thus only one shot at actively optimizing the quality of both. I do a lot of research on centenarians and longevity science in my spare time, so I finally decided to amass all my favorite findings here. Some of the scientific revelations leave me yearning for a time machine, but, then again, centenarians are the type of people who only concern themselves with today while looking forward to tomorrow, and so will I; it's never too late to make substantial, effective changes to health to maximize longevity and quality of life.
Interests health, longevity, happiness, science, physics, astronomy, math, psychology, philosophy, humor, social justice, brain health, excitotoxicity, autoimmunity, inflammation, incessant reading, music, playing instruments badly, genetic distributions, genealogy, yoga, dance, ballet, evolution, organic farming, community supported agriculture, environmentalism, the adorable way birds walk, interior design, healthy recipes, veganism
Favorite Movies that one with the funny.