The Gubler Family Blog!

About me

Industry Technology
Location Utah, United States
Introduction Martin and Rachel have been married 10 1/2 years and we have 2 children together. We live in Utah and we proudly own and run a photography business (Gubler Photography). Martin is the big 3-0, he is a computer geek, loves anything to do with video games, hiking, and taking pictures. He is also the hottest guy on the planet. Rachel (me) is 29, loves singing, laughing with friends, taking pictures, and sleeping. Alex is 9 1/2, and is in 4th grade. He loves math, reading, swimming, video games and playing with friends. Mikaila is 8, and is in 3rd grade. She loves playing with friends, making "mud soup" in the dirt with her nice dresses on and dancing. We have 2 dogs (Nila and Adelie), and 2 cats (Lucy and Bella). That's the Gubler life.
Interests We like action movies, scary movies and hilarious movies. We like the same music, mostly some rock/pop. We like some of the same foods. And we love each other and the kids, that's the most important part.
Favorite Movies Anything scary, action or comedy.
Favorite Music Rock/pop

What makes you smile?