The Unexpected Runner
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- Setting You Free
- 26.2 Quest
- 5 Miles Past Empty
- 50 after 40
- 5k and Counting
- A whole lot of soles...
- And So it Burns...
- Be Your Best Runner
- Canadian Runner in Exile
- Climbing those hills...
- Dangle the Carrot ... An Endurance Sports Blog
- diary of a fun ruiner
- Eat. Pray. Run.
- Fair Weather Runner
- Fast Cory
- First In Philly
- Frickin' Fabulous at 40
- From Couch to Ironwoman
- From Fat To Finish Line
- I'm a Sleeper Baker
- Impossible Is Nothing
- in the between
- It Just Looks Like Slow Motion
- Jack's world
- Jennʻs Adventures
- Just Keep Running
- Last Mile Lounge
- Livin The Fit Life
- Living Life as the Tiny Dangerous One!
- Living the Full Catastrophe
- Marathon After Fifty
- Mike's triathlon journey
- Miles to Go Before I sleep
- Mission to a(nother) Marathon
- Mommy are you going for a run?
- More Than a Marathon
- My Continuing Quest For Sanity ...
- My Dirt Road Anthem
- My Marathon Diaries
- No Need For Speed
- On the Right Track...
- Operation Be More Awesome
- Our Love On The Run
- Patty's Learning to Run!
- Pink Hat Runner
- Postings from Paris
- Prairie Runner
- Ramblings of a Running Addict
- Run in America!
- Run To The Mountains
- Run with Jess
- run, zoe, run!
- Running in Scrubs
- Running Man Wannabe
- Running penguin
- Running Ricig
- Running Spike
- Runninghood
- See Ali Eat...See Ali Run
- See Mom Run Far
- Shut Up + Run
- Slowly Tri-ing
- splash::bike::run
- SuperKate
- Sweat Junkie
- Taking It On
- Tall Mom on the RUN
- The Accidental Runner
- The Aimless Runner
- the amherst shuffle
- The Athletarian
- The Hungry Runner Girl
- The Journey of a Running Green Girl
- The Manly Runner
- The Misadventures of a Coastie Wife
- The Turtle's Pace
- Trailway to Heaven
- Up North Running
- why she runs
- You just have to TRI!
- Zero to 26.2
Gender | Female |
Introduction | I never was a runner. In fact, if you asked anyone who’s ever known me for a long time, they would say that if they ever had the occasion to witness me running, they would have looked for whatever was chasing me. In fact, I used to swear in my head the whole time I was suffering to get to the next street lamp! But here I am. I took on a challenge I never thought I'd even consider & now I've done it! I am a MARATHONER! But it doesn't end there. I have more running to do. I am not fast. I run because I love it & it is now a part of me. Come follow my journey... |