O. Alves Da Silva M.D.

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About me

Gender Male
Location Lisboa, Portugal
Introduction Medical Doctor (1971) Eye Surgeon (1976) Former Head of the Strabismus Department (1977-2005) of Santa Maria University Hospital - LISBON - PORTUGAL. Pioneer In Ophtalmological Proprioception since 1977 with H. Martins da Cunha, MD, who first published the Postural Defficiency Syndrome (PDS) in 1979. Alves da Silva developed the method to prescribe ACTIVE PRISMS and influence the brain proprioceptive centres and output. He also developed postural reprogramming techniques, congnitive training and ergonomics, which combined with active prims sucessfuly cure proprioceptive dysfunctions associated with certain types of dyslexia, vertigo and muscular pain symptoms. Since 1977, Alves da Silva has successfuly treated approximately 30,000 cases of dyslexia, vertigo and muscular pain. Professor of Ocular Motricity at School of Orthoptics- Lisbon. Director of Posturmed Clinic. President and Founder of the Portuguese Association of Clinical Posturology and Dyslexia. Founder and first President of the Portuguese Group of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. Guest speaker at several scientific international meetings on Proprioception.