Logan Jacob

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Gender Male
Industry Consulting
Occupation Relationship Doctor
Location United States
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Introduction Relationship experts state that each relationship has dynamics or ingredients that make it up. Think of it like a foundation for a house. If the foundation is not correctly laid, in years to come the structural integrity
Interests When two people fall in love all sorts of things happen between them. A bond is formed, feelings are shared, and a relationship ensues. In the beginning stages of a relationship, love can oftentimes be blind and if you're not careful, some basic building blocks of the foundation can be neglected. Let's take trust for example. A firm foundation for any relationship is trust and if one or both partners have trouble trusting the other, problems could come and the relationship may suffer. Other ingredients that make up a healthy relationship are honesty, communication, thoughtfulness, selflessness, and unconditional love. Can a relationship hold you back? If you're in an unhealthy relationship, you may be held back in other areas of your life. For example, let's say you're in a relationship in which you are unnecessarily clingy and needy. You're looking toward your partner to "make you happy" by giving you continual attention. Your primary focus in life is on your partner and your life together. This codependence can hold you back in life and cause a host of relationship problems. It's not your partner's responsibility to make you happy; it's yours. Those that struggle with codependency tendencies need to begin a journey within to seek fulfillment and stop looking toward others to fill that void. Another example of how a relationship can hold you back is if your partner has settled in certain areas of life and expects you to do the same. Do you have more you want to accomplish in life, but your partner thinks you're crazy for having such goals? Do you feel pressured to settle or just live according to status quo because your partner is? If so, your relationship is holding you back and it's time to sit down with your partner and have a serious discussion. Partners don't have to have the same goals, but if one wants to grow and accomplish the other ought to be fully supportive.