Miranda Snowball

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About me

Location Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Introduction I was a first time mum and trying to find the best baby carrier/sling was a challenge. I suffer from back problems and most of the carriers/slings on the market were not comfortable with painful tugging on the shoulders or 'floppy' designs. After much research, I discovered the baby wrap carriers and was so relieved to finally find something that was not only comfortable, but felt safe and didn't feel as though my baby was going to fall out. The concept is ageless and proven through centuries of human evolution. This is the technology before the pram. It proved to be the end to a lot of sleep problems. Being so young, she wanted to be with me all day and wouldn't sleep in her cot so I would put her in it and go about my everyday tasks only to find her sound asleep and snug within minutes. Most baby wrap carriers on the market are expensive and as most parents would feel the same way, difficult to afford. So I set about to make my own. I was thrilled to find that bamboo fabric was ideal to use for the wrap carrier and has many amazing properties. The Bamboosling was born.