
My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Location ianjoynson@yahoo.co.uk, for audio theatre, music and video go to www.preverb.co.uk, United Kingdom
Links Audio Clip
Introduction Backwards Theatre is a performance group based in london. We perform songs, theatre, comedy, pperformance poetry. In terms of mind,body,spirit we are very interested in the Toltec Teachings by the Nagal, Theun Mares, and the work of Carlos Castaneda, Madame Blavatsky, Eckart Tolle, Osho.in terms of workshops i would reccomend www.tantra.uk.com, with the delightful Hannah and Martin.In terms of therapy i would check out Symbol Therapy by Ulli Springett, soon to be published in a new edition in America!www.taraspringett.com/five-minute-miracle We feel stongly about our present dumbed down climate. we appear to have reached a nadir as far as things like the theatre and writing are concerned. i think regardless of the majority view we must fight against this by creating something challenging, experimental and with a definite sub-text.
Interests good books and films. writing and playing music with friends. collecting stories about stuff that happens to peeps. drawing cartoons.
Favorite Movies cul de sac, slacker, alice(svankmayer), flesh, the kingdom(von trier), fear eats the soul, the holy mountain, the third part of the night, the party, barton fink, fritz the cat, i ive in fear, eraserhead, duck soup, take the money and run, carnival of souls, monty pythong and the holy grail, dark waters, embryo, night of the ghouls, the dark crystal, the last supper, heavy traffic, l'aventura, valerie and her week of wonders, day of wrath, the seventh seal, wild strawberries, von ryan's express, it's amad mad mad mad mad world, cannibal man, the naked vampire, naked jungle, kiss me deadly, pick up on south street, casablanca, the sound of music, mary poopins, the deer hunter, mad max, strangers on a train.
Favorite Music zappa, ives, bjork, van der graff generatior, egg, stravinsky, tony williams, beatles, they might be giants, revueltas, nucleus, nirvana, leadbelly, continuum, mannerhiem steam roller, hatfield and the north, caravan, soft machine, matching mole, judee sill, ginistera, marvishnu orchestra, edgar broughton, national health, genesis, big bill broonzy, orb
Favorite Books of human bondage, ice, naked lunch, tropic of cancer, third policeman, catch 22, lord of the rings, satyricon, the golden ass, berg, the galss bees, the skin chairs, head to toe, the night land, molloy, dialogues of the dead, cantebury tales, king lear, eyeless in gaza, from ritual to romance, wise blood, gullivers travels, tristram shandy, hermetica, The Zohar, The Gnostic gospels, armed with madness, chiron-the healing journey, the foundation pit, dream life of balso snell, after the rain, waiting for godot, the homecoming, fando and lis, petersburg, the theatre of the absurd, the chairs, the aenied, the thebaid, local knowledge, the seventh horse, the flower beneath the foot, the trial, st john of the cross, gospel of thomas, gospel of philip, an actor prepares, the act of being, christ re-crucified, in watermelon sugar, froth on the daydream, pilgrimage 1 2 3, the empty space, towards a poor theatre

Aren't papier mache cuts the worst?

what will profit a man if he gain the whole world but loses his wallet, neil?