John Miller
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- Boat Projects
- Cruising aboard Brilliant
- Every good thing.... | 1978 Catalina 30 #1179
- Galley Wench Tales
- Have Wind Will Travel
- Knot Tide Down
- Lat43
- Life On The Hook
- Little Cunning Plan
- Mid-Life Cruising!!!
- middlebaysailing
- s/v Elsa | ship's log and journal of Elsa's journey
- Safe At Harbour But Meant For The Sea: DIY Sailing with Paul Calder
- Sail Delmarva
- Sailfeed
- Small Boat Projects - Making Life Aboard Easier
- SV Sundowner sails again
- The Book of Sail | Cruising gadgets, knowledge, and ideas for the cruising sailor
- The Monkey's Fist: Collecting Cruisers' Perspectives
- The Official Minney's Yacht Surplus Blog
- Three Sheets Northwest
- Wandering Dolphin
- Windborne in Puget Sound
- YourCompassWithin | Connecting Daily Realities & Lifelong Dreams
- Zero to Cruising!