
My blogs

About me

Location Connecticut, United States
Introduction I am a military reenactor in the areas of the American Rev War, Civil War, and the Roman Imperial Times. I am a member of the organizations known as Nova Roma and Byzantium Novum. I am currently involved in a self-teach course in drawing. It has been my desire to learn to draw for a long time and at last my retirement frees me to engage in this learning process. The drawings posted here are the best that I have done to the date of posting. With any luck they will improve as I continue with my pursuit of this skill.
Interests Model building, Civil War, Revolutionary War, and Imperial Roman Reenactment, travel by ship, and military research.
Favorite Movies Walt Disney and other animated movies.
Favorite Music Highland Pipes, Military Marches, and Western Ballads
Favorite Books Books dealing with 18th - 19th Century Military Engineering, Field Fortification and Weaponry; Science Fiction, 18th Century British Navy, and Roman Civilization.