My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Occupation Stay at Home Mom
Location IL, United States
Introduction My name is Kat and I currently work as a stay at home mom to two boys. Aiden is almost four and Elliott is almost five months old. No, he is not sleeping through the night, but thanks for asking. I have a wonderful husband with a not so wonderful travel schedule, two cats, friends who keep me sane, and what has turned out to be a not so lucrative degree in clinical psychology. I sleep too little, complain too much, and I don't really get the whole Pinterest thing. Nonetheless, I am blessed to spend the days with my boys, even if showers are no longer a daily event, the only gym I have frequented lately houses inflatable slides, and my dream car is a minivan. I wouldn't say I am a cool mom, but I suppose that is a good thing. This blog is about how parent hood changes everything and my day to day life staying home with two boys. I will cover all things parenting and also other random thoughts like when Starbucks became too good for me and what I am going to say to the next person who says, "Oh, so you don't have a job?" I am still thinking on that one.
Interests Psychology, horses, cats, medicine, Books, children
Favorite Movies It's a Wonderful Life, The Bucket List, Baby Mama, Burn After Reading
Favorite Music Three Days Grace, Seether, Papa Roach, Nickleback; Most recently I have been listening to Baby Einstein and Baby Genius
Favorite Books My Sister's Keeper, The Dogs of Babel