
My blogs

About me

Industry Non-Profit
Occupation Improvement Consultant
Location Durham, United Kingdom
Introduction I've been a succesful salesperson for 14 years, and I'm used to finding people's and organisations' real priorities and influencing. I've initiated and managed service transformation nationally, regionally and locally in UK's National Health Service (NHS), provided the evidence used for national and local policy changes, and encouraged NHS Trusts to invest upwards of £32million in training and developing new roles based on my evidence. I also started the joint health and social care innovation group "champions of the future workforce" and advise public sector and voluntary sector initiatives on how to bid for funding
Interests workforce, new roles, skill mix, new ways of working, policy testing, unscheduled and urgent care
Favorite Movies Girl with a Pearl Earring, Oceans Eleven, I Robot, AI, The Queen
Favorite Music Vivaldi (especially played by Vanessa Mae), Eric Clapton
Favorite Books Stuart Wilde, Paul Coelho (see me on