Brad Livengood

My blogs

About me

Location Thomasville, NC, United States
Introduction Blessed, blessed, blessed. Such is the way to describe me. Blessed to have a wonderful wife and three terrific kids, blessed to have extended families (on both sides) that I cherish and admire, blessed to have been born to Christian parents who brought me up in the teachings of the gospel, blessed to belong to a church family that truly loves one another, and blessed to know Jesus Christ as my saviour. All that said, I wish I could suggest to you that I am a regular guy, but I'm not. I'm strange. Weird, eccentric, reclusive, however you want to put it, I cannot suggest normality to you in any conventional way. My wife, Karen, is the centerpiece of my life. I consider her to be an ornament of God's grace upon me, and I have come to understand more of His love through her. We are, in many respects, dead on alike, in terms of beliefs, in terms of sense of humor, yet in personal characteristics, we are very different. It is these differences, however, which seem to make our life together harmonious. No one has ever affected me like Karen. I thank God that He has blessed me with her.
Interests My family, Studying the bible, Writing and playing music, Collecting and studying historical antiques, Reading and running.
Favorite Movies Stagecoach (1939), Grapes of Wrath (1940), The Searchers (1956), Lawrence of Arabia (1962), Oulaw Josey Wales (1975), Glory (1989), Last of the Mohicans (1992), Gladiator (2000)
Favorite Music These are random, but representative of what I like: Mozart's 40th Symphany in G minor, Ashokan Farewell, Bob Dylan's Nashville Skyline and Blood on the Tracks, The Beatles Rubber Soul and Revolver. I'm a big fan of 70s bands the Eagles and Steely Dan. I love American Folk Music, barbershop quartets and the great hymns, To God be the Glory really sets me off.
Favorite Books The Bible is my favorite book. It contains a lifetime of treasures for us without ever cracking the binding of any other tome. But as a lifelong reader, I'm compelled to list a sampling of other works I've enjoyed: Novels: Moby Dick by Herman Melville (1851), A tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens (1859), Look Homeward Angel by Thomas Wolfe (1929), Absalom, Absalom by William Faulker (1936), Burr by Gore Vidal (1973), The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara (1975), Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy (1985) Non-Fiction: Lee's Lieutenants by Douglas Southall Freeman(1942), The Civil War: A Narrative by Shelby Foote (1954-74), Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough (1982) The Guns of August by Barbara Tuchman (1962)