applejack cards by sue

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About me

Gender Female
Occupation Crafter
Location Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom
Introduction I haven't added onto my profile for a few years.. So an update. I have been married to Colin for eighteen years, how he has put up with me for so long I don't know. I have a grown up daughter Sarah and stepdaughter Lisa who with her husband Manwai and their children Jasmine, Jaydn and Poppy bring so much joy to our lives. I have scotopic sensitivity and have to wear dark glasses, during a chat with a young male shop assistant he called me a 'day walker' which I think means a vampire who comes out during daylight hours...hmmmm... I now have to use a wheelchair when I leave the house, took a bit of getting used to but an Autumn day out with my husband when I'm wrapped up in my cozytoes...bliss
Interests card making, scrapbooking, cross-stitch, baking, caravan holidays, getting ready for Christmas
Favorite Movies Almost anything noisy and action packed
Favorite Music New Country, Santana, Henry Smith
Favorite Books Thrillers

If you were a wrestler, what would be your finishing move?

How on earth did you know to ask me that question? This is too spooky! Those who know me know why!