My blogs
Blogs I follow
- Blog Address
- .
- .OPTIONS for a Better World
- A Diary of a Nurse
- A funny old life
- A Journey to Cure Arthritis
- A Woman Of No Importance
- about last weekend
- ABroad with a View
- ain't for city gals
- amanda
- anatomyofoldage
- another hiding place
- April Blogging from A to Z Challenge
- Around My Kitchen Table
- Bienvenue Chez Moi
- Blog Sin Jamon
- Boris in Ayrshire
- brain splatters
- Buggering Crap Monkies
- Cage without a key
- Chatty Crone
- Cheshire Wife
- City Views, Country Dreams
- CJs Photographs
- Cleaning House & Baking Cookies
- Clutterquake
- Cold Lake Cathy
- Coloring Outside the Lines
- Coming Down the Mountain
- Confessions of a Reforming Geek
- Conquering The Deep
- Cooking is a Game You Can Eat
- Costo
- Crystal Jigsaw
- Crystal's A Pistol
- Dani California
- Dark Thoughts
- Delightfully Ludicrous
- Desert Canyon Living
- Diary of a Desperate Exmoor Woman
- Diary of the Sunday Visitor
- DJan-ity
- DL Hammons
- Drinks With The Diva
- Earth Dragon Healing
- Eleanor's Byre
- Faith~Hope~&~Love
- Fiendish Serendipity
- Fox Tales - a southern persepective
- Friends of Third Avenue United
- From frustrated stay-at-home mum... to entre-preneur!
- Gaston Studio AKA Jane's Blog
- gg's hope
- Gutsy Writer
- Half-Past Kissin' Time
- Heaven and Earth
- Hen Buddhism
- Janie Junebug Righting & Editing
- JerseyLil's 2 Cents
- Just Curious
- Kaleidoscope Eyes
- Lenore Swystun - Civic Offerings
- Lessons from the Monk I Married
- Life in the Preseli Hills
- Living Boldly
- Living in my Black Fog
- Living in Pleasantville
- Mary Poppins
- Maternal Tales from the South Coast
- Mimi and Pop on the Road
- Miracle Sisters
- Miss Sadie's Blog
- Moments from Suburbia
- Nolly Posh Dreaming
- Notes on a Serviette
- notes, tales and observations
- Paris and Beyond
- Poetikat's Invisible Keepsakes
- Poetry Matters
- Poetry Of A Head Case
- Posie's blog
- Positively Depressed
- Princess of Procrastination
- Psychotic sassy
- QuirkyQuirkster
- Ramblings of a Mad Woman
- Random Musings from the KristenHead
- ReinventedVoices
- Singing from the Lectionary
- Single and Surviving (just)
- Sixth In Line
- sixtyfivewhatnow
- Snowbrush
- Spirit of Magenta
- Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe
- Taking Charge of My Life
- Tattie Weasle
- Teacher's Pet
- The Blog Fodder
- The Daily Dose
- The Dueling Dutch Woman
- The Eagle's Aerial Perspective
- The Great and Random Ramblings of Cannwin
- The Green Stone Woman
- The Odd Angry Squawk
- The Other Half (of being the curate's wife)
- thecontemplativecat
- Travels with Persephone
- Two Bears Farm and the Three Cubs
- Two Chicks and Their Peeps!
- Two Wheels And The Curves
- Ubiquitousumbilicus
- Up the Rectory Path - and behind the Rectory Door
- Walking Butterfly
- Walking the Pembrokeshire Coast Path
- Wanna Buy A Duck
- welsh hills again
- Writerquake
- Writing In Wonderland
- Writing Jewels
- Zoe Cottage
- ~*♥*~ Surviving Life ~*♥*~
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- ♥ Multi generational living and life in Wales
Gender | Male |
Industry | Student |
Occupation | Post-Socratic Gadfly. Trying to decide what I'll do when I grow up. |
Location | <b>"River City"</b>, <b>Treaty 6 Territory</b>, Canada |
Introduction | * Bear is retired, but not retiring, living in a cave with his loving wife of 45 years. He spends his time reading, writing, walking, photographing, watching birds, playing his banjo, drinking tea with friends, visiting children, playing with grandchildren. And blogging. * Bear loves comments on his blog, and e-mail notes. • Bear also thanks Woonie Helen for the portrait, above. » If you like what you see here, tell your friends. If you don't like what you see, tell the Bear. Please! |
Interests | Family, Medical and animal ethics, Writing, Reading, Grandchildren, Cooking and cleaning that must be done. |
Favorite Music | ABBA, to, Zamfir, (with stops including:, Bach, Beethoven, Barry Manilow, Bonnie Tyler, Leonard Cohen, Meatloaf, Stan Roges, various instrumentalists, and miscellaneous locations too numerous to mention)., NO; I will not go to the opera! |
Favorite Books | Too many to mention |