
My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Industry Arts
Occupation Photographer
Location istanbul, Türkiye
Introduction Wannabe flapper. Used to be a "good-for-nothing". She's not that bad anymore. She's an ex-photographer and a single mom. A huge cat-lover. Prejudious to people, though. Lives in a small house full of pets. All rescued. Bites her nails all the time. She has been taught French. And English. And a little German when she was young. Took Spanish lessons too for almost 3 years but her body rejected the whole language. She ain't got many friends, ain't got the intention, neither. Got almost no particular skills in any kind of creative activity. Still, she never gives up. Tried pretty much everything she desired. Even shaved her head once. This blog witnessed a lot. When no one else was around, nora was here.
Interests Photography, WoW, PS3, French, Spanish, İstanbul, Animal Rights.