
About me

Gender Female
Location Melbourne, Australia
Introduction Hello! I’m in my mid 30s and living in a beautiful, quiet suburb of Melbourne amongst trees. Some people are water people, some are city people. I’m definitely a tree person. They make me feel so calm and grounded and at home. I have a wonderful partner of five years. He is caring and sensitive and thoughtful and quite a spunk too! We don’t have any kids yet, but trust me; it’s not for lack of trying or wanting. When I’m at home I really like reading books (I read loads) and I like taking lots of photographs, especially of babies and kids. You’ll find my blog smattered with my latest attempts at photography. Professionally I'm a child psychologist. Maybe you’re struggling with infertility, or maybe you like to illustrate your life with images like me, or perhaps you are interested in helping kids feel emotionally free. I’m hoping you’ll find something in my writing to connect with or get a sense of reassurance from someone with similar experiences. I’m hoping to make some new connections to so please leave lots of comments and I’ll be sure to head over to your blog and get to know you too. Suzanne Nicole xxx