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About me

Gender Female
Industry Arts
Occupation Home Executive/Writer
Location Winterton, Champagne Valley Drakensberg, South Africa
Introduction My earliest recollection is as a 4 year-old expat in the Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe (then Southern Rhodesia) We returned to South Africa in the mid-sixties. Later I met and married the man of my dreams. Since 1990 my husband and I have lived and worked as expats on the diamond mines of Namibia and later, the gold mines in Mali and Guinea, West Africa. In August 2009,, I left South Africa and joined my husband in Khartoum, North Africa. We returned to South Africa in October 2010 thinking we'd be settling at home for good. However, in January 2011 we were re-located to Kenya in a valley which is surely the beginning of Paradise. From January 2012 to February 2015, we lived in diamond mine town in Northern Tanzania. Here the birding was even more prolific than in Kenya.. We're back in South Africa, between contracts for now.
Interests Gardening, birdwatching, motorcycle touring, hiking, camping, writing.
Favorite Movies Out of Africa, Shawshank Redemption, The Horsewhisperer
Favorite Books The Holy Bible, Faith like Potatoes, Waar die Leeus Afrikaans Verstaan, Die Binnelanders, all biographies, travel, nature and recipe books.