A Love Worth Waiting For....

About me

Introduction Daniel and I met in the Summer of 2000 and on April 25th 2009 we were married! We truly believe that we have "A Love Worth Waiting For"! Daniel and I have already faced many trying times together as a couple. In the Spring of 2006 at the age of 19, I was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer and then again in the Spring of 2008. Unfortunately in the Spring of 2008 at the age of 21, I had to have a total hysterectomy. Even though this was absolutely devastating for us, we know that God still has a plan! Our prayer is that no matter what may come our way that our lives will always bring glory and honor to the Lord Jesus Christ! Even though this journey has been hard and there have been days when we just don't understand..we realize that every step that we have taken on this journey and every step we are going to take has brought us closer to the Lord, closer to each other, and one step closer to our baby! As you follow our blog and as we share with you our love story and our adoption story we pray that you will see that our deepest desire is to honor the Lord Jesus Christ with our lives so that we may be vessels worthy of His use!