
About me

Introduction I share my life with a wonderful man and our three fur-kidz. Those of you who have dogs, you gotta agree with me here that they are a lot like human kids. I love them all and without them my life would be gray and devoid of laughter, love, and hope.
Interests I love to read and much prefer a good book to a movie. In fact, I use reading as a reward. For example, if I want to pick up the latest book that has sucked me in to its fantasy realm, then first I have to workout for an hour (okay, maybe only 30 minutes). Apparently it’s very amusing to watch me read as I tend to scrunch up my face, smirk, smile, laugh, cry, you name it. Basically, I LOVE books. Mostly I prefer series to single novels. I love discovering characters, lands, magic systems, customs, and so many other things in stories that authors create. Really marvelous books enslave me – it’s completely common for a story to sneak its way into my dreams where I am side by side with main characters. Sometimes a book is so well written that I can easily visualize scenes and characters that I have read about. Those are some of the BEST books. The problem is that once I finish with a fantastically addicting book, I instantly crave another. First step is admitting it. So here goes. My name is Shannon and I’m a story-junkie (and I know I’m not alone). I have a Wordpress blog ( where I post some reviews about books by well-known authors (as well as highlight authors that aren’t so mainstream) in the hopes that you might find another book to pick up and lose yourself in for a couple of hours/days/weeks. And, as it’s no secret to those who know me well, I dream of one day writing a best-selling novel (all I got so far is the title - Myrevaldi). Yeah, I know, that’s a pretty big (and probably unrealistic) dream. But what can I say, I dream big dreams. So, if the mood strikes, or a muse shows mercy on me, maybe I’ll post an original short story from time to time. I haven’t come up with a fitting name for my little 10-sentence tales yet.
Favorite Books Some of my favorite authors, in no particular order, are Patrick Rothfuss, Robert Jordan, George R.R. Martin, Erin Morgenstern, Laini Taylor, A.G. Howard, Susan Kaye Quinn, Brandon Sanderson, Mercedes Lackey, R.A. Salvatore, J.K. Rowling, Stephenie Meyer, Dora Machado, Cassandra Clare, Dan Brown, Terry Goodkind.