
About me

Industry Religion
Occupation Catholic Evangelists
Location North West, United Kingdom
Introduction Jesus Christ has changed our lives and we are fed and nourished by Confession and by receiving His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in Holy Communion - this is the source of all peace and love in this world leading to the next. This world - created by God in His goodness - passes. Each of us is made for an eternal destiny. The first parents of all humans were tempted by the enemy of God (the Devil or Satan) and rebelled against God Who is all Holy. Original Sin has damaged all of us and because of this we tend towards selfishness, sin and evil. God became human in Jesus Christ to Reveal God to us and to Redeem us all from our sins. If you want true peace - the peace which you are not able to find in this passing world - and true happiness - then repent of your sins and ask Jesus Christ to reign in your heart and soul and follow Him in His Catholic Church. He loves you with an eternal love and wants to help and lead you back to Him by His free gift of Grace and feed you with the Sacraments of His Catholic Church. It's a free gift from God. Ask a Catholic priest today. Lapsed Catholics come home to God's love through a good confession and receive His peace!
Interests Catholic Faith, Traditional Latin Mass,, Pro-life, Catechesis, Evangelization, Divine Mercy, Our Blessed Lady, Rosary, St. Padre Pio, St. John Paul II, St. Pope Pius X, Pope Pius XII, St. Therese of Lisieux, Ven. Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, Bl. Cardinal J.H. Newman, Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, EWTN., A.W.N. Pugin, Alex Jones and Prison Planet, Route 66, Old Cathedrals, The Battle of Britain, Hawker Hurricane, Supermarine Spitfire, Cycling, Travel, Cars, Food!, Classic American Cars, Writing, Reading, Mowing the Lawn!, Handmade Cards, Franciscan University of Steubenville, Christendom College, 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air, 1967 Ford Mustang, Fiat 500, Citroen 2CV, Citroen Light 15CV, Citroen DS, Renault 4, Austin Mini, Morris Minor, Sir Alec Issigonis, VW Beetle, Austin Metro/Rover 100, VW Polo.
Favorite Movies The Passion of The Christ, Into Great Silence, Chariots of Fire, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The Chronicles of Narnia, October Sky, Les Miserables, Karol - The Man Who Became Pope, Calamity Jane, The Battle of Britain, Dad's Army, The Scarlet and the Black, Laurel and Hardy, It's a Wonderful Life, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, Pride and Prejudice (1995 version), Valkyrie.
Favorite Music Gregorian Chant, Vivaldi - The Four Seasons, Wunderkind - Alanis Morissette, A Symphony of Hope by Geoff Bullock.
Favorite Books The Bible, The Catechism of the Catholic Church, The Soul of the Apostolate by Dom Chautard O.C.S.O, Memoirs by Cardinal Josef Mindszenty, Europe and The Faith and The Path to Rome by H. Belloc, Evangelium Vitae, Familiaris Consortio, Fides et Ratio, Humanae Vitae, Pascendi Dominici Gregis, Redemptoris Mater, Veritatis Splendour, The Ratzinger Report, A Christmas Carol, Nicholas Nickleby and Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy, Mother Angelica by Raymond Arroyo, Christendom Awake by Fr. Aidan Nichols, St. Faustina's Diary, A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich and the Gulag Archipelago by Alexander Solzhenitzyn, The Catholic Church and Conversion and the Well and the Shallows by G.K. Chesterton, The Abolition of Man by C.S.Lewis, The Stripping of the Altars and Voices of Morebath by Eamon Duffy, The Revolution and the Counter Revolution by Plinio Correa de Oliveira, Anything by Joseph Pearce, Goodbye Good Men by Michael Rose, The Rage Against God, The Abolition of Liberty and The Abolition of Britain by Peter Hitchens, The Glories of Divine Grace by Fr. Matthias J. Scheeben, Anything by Christopher Dawson, Anything by Dietrich Von Hildebrand, Nothing Like it in the World by Stephen E. Ambrose, Rail books by Christian Wolmar.

To people of today who claim to be atheists - Why is there something rather than nothing?