The Shaw Family

My blogs

About me

Introduction {Jeff, Stacy, Eli and Ethan} Jeff, a.k.a. DAD, is an engineer, a joker, an artist and a craftsman in many forms. Stacy, a.k.a. MOM, is a full-time mom, a crafter, a socializer and a floor hockey playing woman. Eli, a.k.a. BUG-A-BOO, is a professional 3 1/2 years old, a machine fanatic, a creator and a near replica of his father in so many ways. Ethan, a.k.a. TURKEY, is a strong willed 1 1/2 year old, a dancer, an excellent eater, and our family comedian. Our blog is private, so email me if you would like to follow. js(dot)shaw(at)hotmail(dot)com.