G.I. Janet

About me

Gender Female
Occupation Thwarting vampbishops, exorcising RCIA students, castrating womyn
Introduction I am a truly militant Catholic soldier. I am armed and I am dangerous. Those who blaspheme, spew heresy, or puke on the pope will receive an immediate ass kicking. All acts of aggression against the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church will be met with swift retaliatory action. A purgatorial enema will be administered unceasingly to apostates until their thoughts and their bowels run clean. I think President George W. Bush is one of greatest presidents this county has ever known. Problem with that? You email me. We'll....talk. I would like to see a police chalk line drawn around the bodies of the following: Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, Lanny Davis, James I'm-a-Reptilian Carville, Abe Foxman, Robert Wexler, Chuck Schumer, Al Gore, Bill and Hill, Barack Hussein Obastard, Al Franken, Michael Moore, Bll Maher, all of Hollywood, Mr. Sr. Jean Chittester and other witches, Mr. Fr. Richard McBrien, Mr. Fr. Andrew Greeley and most of the USCCB. The gates of hell have been flung wide. The enemies of God far outnumber His friends. The powers of Darkness have swallowed most of the world. There is little sanity left. What a great time to be Catholic!
Interests Promoting The Faith, defending The Church, preserving the freedoms of the greatest country on earth, praying the Rosary, hunting, fishing, camping, cowboy justice, the NRA, supporting the American military and the War Against Terror, seeing homosexuality put back in the closet where it belongs and the door padlocked, barricaded, with two armed guards.
Favorite Movies The Quiet Man, McLintock, The Sons of Katie Elder, The Ten Commandments, Tombstone, The Alamo (the newest one), Quigly Down Under, The Terminator, Wuthering Heights, Legend of Sleepy Hollow (the oldest one), old vampire flicks, any movie before color, any movie where the bad guys get their asses waxed.
Favorite Music Gregorian Chant, most the the masters' classics, old Irish and Scottish songs of war, ancient English and Irish ballads. Other than that I hate music. And whoever put pianos in Catholic churches should be drawn and quartered.
Favorite Books Duoay-Rheims Catholic Bible, after that...what else is there? Oh, okay...I do enjoy E F Benson's Lucia series. Hey! I'm a girl!