
About me

Gender Female
Location USA
Introduction I am a wife, a stay at home mother, a daughter, a sister, and most importantly a daughter of the King of Kings. I am married to Steve, an amazing man, the love of my life, and my very best friend. So far, as we have journeyed through life together God has blessed us with four fabulous kids. Three wild and crazy boys, and one very precious little girl. Our kids bring us tons of joy and laughter as well as mounds of laundry. We wouldn't have it any other way. In addition to our lively family, God has provided us with a very eventful journey as a military family. Steve currently serves as an officer in the United States Air Force. On our Air Force journey we have experienced life in Nebraska (home sweet home), Arizona, Kansas, Illinois, a year in Afghanistan for him/Nebraska for me, and New Jersey. We enjoy this fast paced, ever changing lifestyle. Follow us as we journey through life, love and laughter!!