
About me

Gender Male
Occupation Temp
Location Chicago, IL
Introduction "This is an oubliette. Labyrinth's full of 'em." "Really... how did you know that?" "Oh, don't sound so smart! You don't even know what an oubliette is." "Do you?" "Yes. It's a place where you put people... to forget about 'em!"
Interests 1x2, 2x3, absinthe, acoustic music, anime, art, backrubs, bbw, bisexuality, bishonen, bondage, books, chocolate, congeanial, cons, conventions, conversations, cooking, corsets, costuming, creating, cuddle, cuddling, cuffs, cynicism, dominance, dragons, duckon, erotica, ewan mcgregor, falsifying statistics, fan art, fan fiction, fanfiction, fangs, fantasy, fen, flirting, free speech, garb, garlic, gothic, gundam wing, harry potter, hedonism, historical biographies, insomnia, jewelry design, jewelry making, johnny depp, kilts, kissing, knives, lane bryant, lapidary, laughing, learning, leather, listening to music, long hair, lord of the rings, lotr, magic, magick, men of myth, mercedes lackey, movies, music, natural magic, nature, non-monogamy, orgasms, original fiction, paganism, pirates, plus size, polyamory, porn, reading, ren faire, renaissance faires, restraints, robert heinlein, sarcasm, science fiction, science fiction conventions, scifi, sensual touch, serenity, sex, sex toys, sf conventions, sf fandom, silversmithing, slash, smof, smut, spending time with friends, stories, submission, sweaty soldier romance, swimming, swords, talking, thunderstorms, tolkien, torrid, total world domination, touch, trance, travel, vampires, weapons, weirdness, wicca, windycon, witches, wolf, wolves, x-men, zaftig
Favorite Movies Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai, The Princess Bride, Star Wars, The Boondock Saints, Alice in Wonderland, Star Trek
Favorite Music Gipsy Kings, Norah Jones, Peter, Paul and Mary, Great Big Sea, Carbon Leaf, William Pint & Felicia Dale, Merry Measure, Tom Smith, Merry Measure, Tourdion, Marian Call
Favorite Books Too many.