
Blogs I follow

About me

Gender Male
Location United States
Favorite Movies Aftermath, Bad Taste, Battle Royal, The Beyond, Blade Runner, Bloodsucking Freaks, Burial Ground, Cannibal Holocaust, Contraband, Cut Throats Nine, Dawn of the Dead, Don't Torture a Duckling, El Topo, Emanuelle in America, Enter the Dragon, Evil Dead, Fight For Your Life, Flower of Flesh and Blood, Goodfellas, Gummo, House on the Edge of the Park, Hitch Hike, Holy Mountain, I Spit on Your Grave, Ilsa Series, The Killing of America, Let Sleeping Corpses Lie, Man Bites Dog, Maniac, New York Ripper, Nightmare City, Night of the Living Dead, Peeping Tom, Possession, Re-Animator, River's Edge, Riki Oh, Roadkill, Robocop, Salo, Sorcerer, Street Trash, Suspiria, Taxi Driver, Tenebrae, The Thing, Thriller - A Cruel Picture, Videodrome, Zombie
Favorite Music The (original) Accüsed, Admiral Angry, Amebix, At The Gates, Autopsy, Maurizio Bianchi, Big Black, Black Flag, Black Sabbath, Bloodyminded, John Cale, Martial Canterel, Carnivore, Johnny Cash, Celtic Frost, Coil, Comsat Angels, Cripple Bastards, Cryptic Slaughter, Dayglo Abortions, Dead Boys, Demons, Disrupt, Drop Dead, Dystopia, EyeHateGod, Factrix, John Foxx, Gadget, Goblin, God, Godflesh, Gorelord, Greymachine, Gruntsplatter, Halo, Head of David, Heresy, High on Fire, His Hero Is Gone, Intrinsic Action, Iron Maiden, Jesu, Joy Division, Judas Priest, Killing Joke, Kluster, Loop, Lustmord, Mastodon, Melvins, Mighty Sphincter, Misfits, Ennio Morricone, Motorhead, Napalm Death, Nasum, Negative Approach, Gary Numan, Neurosis, No Trend, Part 1, Pig Destroyer, Poison Idea, Colin Potter, Radiohead, Regurgitate, Repulsion, Ripcord, Roxy Music, Bernard Szajner, Second Layer, Klaus Schulze, Skinny Puppy, Slab!, early Slayer, Sleep Museum, Suicide, Stooges, Sutcliffe Jugend, Swans, Taint, Throbbing Gristle, Toxic Holocaust, Tragedy, Unearthly Trance, Unseen Terror, Victims, Voivod, Igor Wakhévitch, Watain, anything from Wierd Records, Winter, Wipers, Wolf Eyes, Yen Pox, Zero Kama, Zombi
Favorite Books A Clockwork Orange, Blindness, Crash, Eyeball Compendium: Sex & Horror. Art & Exploitation, Industrial Culture Handbook, Journey to the End of the Night, Maldoror, Naked Lunch, Native Son, In the Belly of the Beast, Tropic of Cancer, Damnation Game, Wasp Factory, Wreckers of Civilization